The Smedley Family

When people use the phrase “Christian school families,” it’s not uncommon to think of the Christian School ‘dynasties’ that are well known in the community – families that can trace their roots back to the founding of the school, have been highly involved in extracurricular programs, or have sent dozens of children through a particular school. But that is not the reality for many of our families at Unity. We have families who are new to the faith, new to West Michigan, or just new to private Christian education.  

The Smedley family falls into the latter category. They always valued education – Meredith’s mother had faithfully served her community as a teacher in a local public school. Both Shane and Meredith had their own personal faith walk, but it wasn’t something they pursued together as a family. Consequently, those two values – education and faith – were not paired together. Christian education was not even on their radar when their daughters began school. When they eventually considered the option, they first viewed foregoing Christian education as an easy way to save money.  

Things began to shift during the pandemic. As the world was thrown into chaos and uncertainty, the Smedley’s found themselves needing God’s peace more than ever before. They plugged into church as a family and got serious about instilling faith in their daughters, Kerrigan and Quinn. They again felt a nudge to find a place for their girls to be educated through a Christian worldview.  

The family had moved to Hudsonville in 2017 and the girls attended a local public school system. While both girls were academically successful there, they never felt fully at home. As the pandemic wore on and the girls were entering high school, Shane and Meredith knew it was time for a change. Their older daughter, Kerrigan, felt unnoticed at school and as she began her sophomore year, things didn’t improve. They began to explore alternative schools in earnest when Quinn, then an 8th grade student, also felt nervous about attending such a large high school the following year.  

A few weeks later, Meredith took their girls on a tour at Unity. Within the first five minutes she felt a sense of peace and was “confident the girls were going to be Crusaders!”  

"confident the girls were going to be Crusaders!"

When the girls started Unity the next fall, the whole family noticed an immediate difference. During their first round of Parent-Teacher Conferences Meredith remembers, “Previously, we would hear about how the girls were doing good in their schoolwork, they turned things in on time, they did well on tests, etc. It was very cold and impersonal. At Unity, the teachers actually asked how the girls were doing! They wanted to know if they felt like they were fitting in. When we told them that they were struggling a little bit making new friends, two of the teachers said that they would change the seating chart so the girls could sit next to someone they were getting to know! Before, I wasn’t even sure the teachers really knew who my girls were, now they were asking to pray for them!”  

Even extracurricular events at Unity felt different. Something they quickly noticed was how praying before sporting events and performances set the tone for student activities.  

Unity not only provided a spiritual and academic education but also a whole range of activities and opportunities to the Smedley girls. “Our girls have had such a great experience at Unity! They have made wonderful friends. They have had opportunities in sports, theater and clubs that they most likely wouldn’t have had at a larger school. They are getting well prepared for their future after high school.” 

Christian education has become central to the Smedley family. They know that as Christians we are called to live in the world but not be of it. They see that value exemplified through the education their daughters have received at Unity. They see how learning to make Christ a priority in every aspect of one’s life has shaped their daughters. The hard conversations they have in class and the knowledge of Christianity’s unquestionable truths have empowered them to express their faith confidently outside the walls of Unity. 

“DO IT!” is what the Smedley’s say to families considering Christian Education. “Your children will get a great education, have great opportunities, and most importantly, they will grow in their relationship with Christ.” The time and effort invested in this new community was worth it for the Smedley’s because of the positive impact it had on their girls and their family. Talking about Jesus, praying together, and remaining dedicated to church are whole family activities now. They believe that there is nothing more important that investing in your child’s relationship with Christ.