Every Fall, Unity’s musica department produces a musical. Information regarding this performance can be found on our Calendar.
Unity also hosts a Musical Camp for middle school students. This camp is an opportunity for students to learn more about musical theater and prepare for future Unity productions.
Members of Pep Band perform at home basketball games. Selection of members takes place through the Concert Band.
Both elected members and interested students meet to plan activities and discuss issues on behalf of the student body.
Interested students use math to develop solutions to “realistic” problems. This is done in a setting where students from several schools compete to find effective solutions to the problem.
Unity Christian students team up with Hudsonville Christian students to create, build, and compete.
Interested students design and build projects which apply scientific concepts in a variety of areas. These projects are presented at a competitive exhibition with other area schools.
Every Winter, Unity puts on a play. Information regarding this performance can be found on our Calendar.
Every Spring, Unity puts on a play. Information regarding this performance can be found on our Calendar.