
The Counseling Office Provides:

  • Assistance with scheduling classes
  • Talk with counselors about college & career decisions
  • Get Scholarship Information
  • Job Shadowing Opportunities

Academic Scheduling

Students choose courses based upon their career goals. Unity’s required core curriculum reflects the requirements that the State of Michigan has set for a high school diploma. The number of required core curriculum courses has increased in order to ensure that each student is college or career ready upon graduation. Recent research has shown that for high school graduates, the knowledge and skills needed to be successful in college are virtually the same as the knowledge and skills needed to start a career.

Students will work individually with Counselors each spring to ensure that their selection of courses best prepares them for their choice of college and for their potential major.

Job Shadowing

Students have the opportunity to participate in a job shadow with local businesses and individuals that allow students to learn about careers they are interested in. We are excited to work with many mentors as we help guide students towards their vocations.