Tuition/Financial Aid/FACTS

Accessible Christian Education

Unity’s goal is to ensure that any family desiring Christian education for their children is not denied for financial reasons.

HIDDEN FOR NOW - Tuition Rates for the 2021-2022 School Year

Full Time Student
Tech Center Student
International Student
Full Cost Student
This is the full cost of educating one student without the benefit of a number of fundraising efforts such as the Revive Resale Store, PACE Drive, Education Foundation, Booster Clubs. Many families are able to commit to paying the full cost of tuition and we encourage all families who are blessed with the resources to pay the full cost of education.
Annual Technology Fee (per student)
Unity utilizes FACTS - an online web-based application program

Tuition Assistance through FACTS for 2024/25

There are Unity families who are members of churches that provide some type of Tuition Assistance. For those families who have little or no church assistance available, Unity has a Tuition Assistance Fund to provide help with the annual tuition costs.

Apply for tuition assistance on the FACTS website

  • Visit the FACTS website as a “Returning” or “New User.”
  • The required application information is easily accessible from data from your previous year’s tax return along with other basic financial information. Copies of confirming tax documents will be required to be sent to the FACTS center. The $40 application fee will be paid by the school. Parents who have students in Unity and in a participating elementary school need only to fill out the application one time—the data will be processed for each of the member schools.
  • The FACTS organization will analyze the information submitted by each applicant and will provide Unity with a recommended tuition assistance amount based on the need for that family and the available tuition assistance funds.

Church Assistance

  • If your church participates in FACTS to provide tuition assistance, you will need to enter the church as the student school. You will need to call FACTS at 1-866-315-9262 and request that your application information be provided to the school as well.
  • The church may request that Unity provide them with the FACTS recommendation grant amount for your family. We will do this in order for you to obtain the assistance available from your church.

FACTS program application deadline

  • All parents requesting tuition assistance are required to participate in the FACTS program to receive Unity tuition assistance. The FACTS application must be completed by March 31. Confirming documents can be submitted later. Unity will attempt to inform its applicants of their tuition assistance amounts by May 1.
  • Please contact the FACTS organization at their toll-free number (1-866-315-9262) should you have any issues or questions with the online application.

Please contact Jeannie Berger, Unity’s Finance Manager, at (616) 669-1820 or