The Education Foundation

Established in the early 1970s, the Unity Christian Education Foundation is a long-term investment plan that ensures financial assistance to the yearly budget, and thus creates financial stability for our school. Funds for the Foundation go directly to support the school’s future and are raised through a variety of events, as well as through gifts from estate giving, general gifts, and other forms of giving. The Education Foundation provides relief to the annual budget by assisting all families in reducing the overall tuition cost.

The Celebration Banquet

The Celebration Banquet—usually hosted annually by the Board of Trustees as a way of saying “Thanks” to all our faithful supporters. As a fundraiser, the Banquet supports the Education Foundation and the Tuition Assistance Fund, and guests are encouraged to consider a pledge or gift for these important needs.

Celebration Banquet 2024

This year we were joined by speaker, Jolene DeHeer. Jolene has been the keynote speaker for such events as the Annual Christian Reformed World Missionaries Conference in Africa, Christian Schools International, Kid’s Hope, and at various conventions and conferences for leaders and students across the U.S. and Canada, and speaks at meetings, banquets, retreats, small groups, and graduation addresses from coast to coast. Her dynamic life’s stories and practical insights will move you from side-holding laughter to heart-felt tears. She will motivate you, inspire you, encourage you, entertain you — she will touch your life and heart forever.

Widow's Retreat — Susan VandePol

End of Life Giving

Life Income Gifts

Charitable Gift Annuities and Charitable Remainder Trusts can be funded with a gift of cash or an appreciated asset such as stock, and the donor can also have the security of a guaranteed income for life.

Gifts of Life Insurance

Making Unity Christian Foundation both the owner and beneficiary of a life insurance policy can leave a lasting legacy that will be of benefit for years to come.

Making A Bequest

You can leave a legacy for future generations by naming Unity Christian High School or the Foundation as a beneficiary in your will or estate plan. If Unity Christian is included in your estate plan, we would be very grateful if you would share that information with us.

Asset Gifts

Gifts of cash or appreciated assets (such as securities) are always welcomed by the Foundation.